Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Dog Ate My Ticket, And Other Bad Excuses for Not Attending Your Class Reunion

The class reunion: Causing social anxiety in even the most well-adjusted graduate since forever.

Thinking of NOT going to our class reunion? Think again.

If you are NOT attending, you will need a good excuse and a note from your mom! The following reasons have been tried and are UNACCEPTABLE.

Excuse #1: I've gained a lot of weight. / I'm starting to get wrinkles. / I don't look as good as I'd like.
Look around! I doubt any of us could get back into our jeans from high school anymore.

Excuse #2: I'm a different person than I was in high school.
Lucky for you, we ALL are. Let's face it: we could only have improved.

Excuse #3: I'm not successful. I'm not a lawyer, a doctor, or rich (take your pick).
You'll be pleasantly surprised to find out how much everyone has matured. We may be plump and wrinkled (see #1) but we're not stupid. Money is not success. Please note that any doctors in the class are very welcome. Any lawyers will need special permission to attend.

Excuse #4: I was not in a popular clique at school.
Now that we're older and smarter, those cliques have dissolved just like the superficialities they were based on. The only cliques you'll notice at the reunion will be the sound of your joints as you walk around.

Excuse #5: I don't know who to talk to or what to say. 
Don't panic. No one knows who they will talk to or what to say. Somehow when you get there, it all falls into place. If not, the booze is there to help.

Excuse #6: None of my friends from school are going. / I don't have a date.
This one is the stupidest excuse. Band together and talk your old friends into going with you! Or come anyway and make new friends in the most unexpected people. You may be surprised. And we really could not care less whether you have a date or come alone. We will just be psyched to see you!

Excuse #7: It's too expensive.
We are trying our hardest to keep the ticket price as low as possible for everyone. I get it. You don't really have extra cash laying around to dish out so you can make awkward conversation for a few hours. Keep in mind that we have put a lot of our own time and money into making this an enjoyable event for all. All money raised will go in the class account to be used toward the event, and any extra (if any exists) will go toward the next reunion. Those coming from far away have another set of expenses for traveling and lodging. We hope you will make the trip! Maybe you will consider staying at the campground with us... more details on that to come.

Excuse #8: It seems like everyone just wants to drink alcohol at the reunion.
Not all of us drink. Some of us have only a few to relax our nerves. We are trying to keep this as family friendly as possible. There will even be kids games and a playground.

Excuse #9: My significant other will feel completely left out and/or find out embarrassing things about me.
Your SO already knows all kinds of embarrassing things about you and loves you anyway. We will make sure your SO has a wonderful time and look forward to getting to know each other.

Excuse #10: I just don't feel like it.
Seriously? Life is full of things we don't feel like doing. Plus there'll be food and music and a firepit. Just buy a ticket and show up. If it totally sucks, you can bail early. (It won't totally suck, I promise. And you'll have a great time and everyone will talk about how much fun they had and your old friends will be jealous that they didn't go and you did.)

From now until April 1st, you can purchase your tickets at the early bird price. As an added bonus, if you buy before April 1st, you'll be entered in to a drawing for a prize! 

If you haven't already joined our Facebook group (here), please request an invitation. It's been difficult to track down everyone and we definitely don't want to leave anyone out!

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